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Shahapur Hanuman

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This temple is located in Shahapur which is at a disptance of 9-10km from the Masoor-Karada route on the Pune-Bangalore highway.

It is well-known that Sri Vyasarajaru, the great saint has installed 732 Hanuman idols in Karnataka. In Maharashtra, the great saint, social-reformer and the raja-guru of Sri Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj has installed hundreds of Lord Hanuman idols among which 11 became very prominent.

There is a staunch belief in devotees that Guru 'Sri Samartha Ramadasa' is the incarnation of Lord Hanuman. He is a pious devotee of Lord Sri Ram. He  chanted 'Ramanama' 13 crore times and performed many miracles.

 He travelled extensively all over India. At that time he came across the poor state of Hindu society and decided to install Lord Hanuman idol everywhere to enlighten the Hindu society and to eliminate the ignorance.

During the time of the 'Pattabhisheka Mahotsava'  of  Shivaji Maharaj, Raja-guru Sri Smartha Ramadasa has written 'Ananda Bhuvani' which consists of 11 stanzas related to the 11 famous Hanuman idols installed by him.

They are,

  1. Shahapur (In 1566)
  2. Masoora. (In 1567)
  3. Chaaphala (In 1570)
  4. Shingaraagaav (In 1571)
  5. Umbrava (In 1571)
  6. Majagaandha (In 1571)
  7. Bahe-Boregaandha (In 1573)
  8. ManaPaadale (In 1573)
  9. Paaragaanda (In 1574)
  10. Shirale (In 1576).

Some people say that the first and foremost Hanuman idol istalled by Sri Samartha Ramadasa is located in the place called 'Taukali' on the banks of  river 'Godavari'.

Devotees believe that having darshan of these eleven temples in one day is equal to the' Kashi' pilgrimage.

One can see the Lord Hanuman standing with folding his hands  if the idol is present infront of the idol of Lord Sri Ram and raising one hand over the head, pressing the demon's head with his leg if the idol is alone These are the identifications of idols installed by Sri Samartha Ramadasa where as a 'Shikha'(knot on head) and a bell in the tail  are the identifications of Hauman idols installed by 'Sri Vyasarajaru'.

This idol is supposed to have made up with 'lime-stone'. Hence this deity is known as 'Lime-stone Maruti of Shahapur'.It is 6ft tall,east-facing with face and a cover on head. This temple is also east-facing surrounded by 3 frameworks.Here, they celebrate Hanuman Jayanti festival on the day of Chaitra shuddha Pournami. It is a custom to take the small uthsavamoorthi idol to the 'Chaaphala' temple which is near-by for the celebrations of Sri Ramanavami festival every year. Now, Kulkarni family members in Shahapur are doing the daily pooja activities to this deity.


Once Shahapur village was under the rule of the 'Adilashahana' (Muslim Nawabs). There lived a great devotee called 'Bajeepant kuljarni'. Then Guru Shri Samartha Ramadasa swamiji   was also residing on the near-by hill called 'Chandragiri'. After finishing the daily rituals he used to come to the 'Shahapur' for 'Bhiksha' (begging).  He used to stand infront of the 'Bajeepant's house for bhiksha chanting the words 'Jaya Jaya Raghuveera Samartha'. But Bajeepant's wife, Satibai was against to all these Saints and Gods. She used to tease Samartha Ramadasa swamiji calling him 'Gosawada'.  Many days have passed like this, One day the saint-guru came to Bajeepant's house. He recognised that they have got into some difficulties with his divine powers(Divya drishti). Satibai also did not come out of the house. When enquired, the Saint came to know that Bajeepant was arrested by the Muslims(Adilashahan) and was taken to Bijapur due to the unsettled accounts. Then he asked Satibai whether she will chant Ramanama if her husband returns home safely on fifth day from that day. She responded that she will chant Ramanama 1000 times if that happens.

After that the saint Shri Samartha Ramadasa swamiji stood infront of 'Adilashahan' (muslim nawab) in disguise. He introduced himself as 'Dasopant', the father-in-law of Bajeepant and came to settle the accounts. Adilashahan was impressed by the glorious personality of the saint-guru in disguise and authorised an official to listen to Dasopant(Saint) for the settlement of accounts. After having the accounts settled with the explanation given by Dasopant(Saint), Bajeepant was released.

Later, Bajeepant returned  to Shahapur along with the Saint in disguise. On the way back to home Bajeepant asked Dasopant(saint),"Who are you ? Who sent you? as far as my knowledge goes there are no relatives to me with this name". For that Dasopant replied ,"Let us go home. All are waiting for you. Soon after reaching there everything will be known". after both of them walking for a while, Dasopant(Saint) suddenly got slowed down and went back in reverse direction. Then Bajeepant also turned back and got surprised on seeing the dispappearance of Dasopant(saint). 

Bajeepant reached home and enquired Satibai whether she has sent anybody to Bijapur. she said "No". In the meanwhile she recollects the words of the Saint-guru and also her promise made to the saint if her husband returns back home on fifth day. Her husband came back exactly on the fifth day. She felt ashamed for her rude behaviour towards the saint in the past. She explained everything to her husband. The couple have decided not to take food till thay have darshan of that saint. After their fasting for three days, Shri Samartha Ramadasa swamiji came and stood infront of their house for bhiksha chanting 'Jaya jaya Raghuveera Samartha'. Then Satibai came running from inside the house and bowed down at  Guruji's feet and prayed for excuse. The Saint blessed them and accepted their invitation to take meals in their house. Then the couple worshipped him with great devotion. 

Then Satibai took a firm decision that from then onwards day she will  take food only after having the Saint's darshan daily. But as the saint always be on 'sanchara'(moving place to place), Satibai was unable to have his darshan for several days. Once it has prolonged for one week. Then satibai went in search of the Guru. Finally she found him inside a cave on 'Chandragiri hills'. She went inside the cave and had his darshan. Then the saint felt very happy for her great devotion and asked her to wait for sometime   to have prasada which is getting ready. After cooking gets over, the saint asked her to turn back as he has to offer 'Naivedyam' (food) to the Lord Sri Ram. accordingly she turned back and suddenly after some time she peeped back with curiosity. Then she saw the glorious face of Lord Hauman and fell unconscious. When she woke up, she saw swami Samartha Ramadasa. The saint-guru told her that she had darshan of Lord Hanuman due to her past good deeds. 

After that the saint made an idol with lime-stone and installed in Shahapur. He told Satibai that hereafter she has to take food after having darshan of this 'Shahapur Hanuman' and not to wait for darshan of the saint.

Nobody has taken care of this temple which is having a very great recent past history. There are no facilities for the devotees to stay here and visit surrounding temples.

                                                                      ||जय हनुमान ||

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